Thursday, January 26, 2023

Huge Issues in Today's Society. Blog post #8

Huge Issues in Today's Society

In the six Ted Talks given to me to watch, one of them in particular stood out to me more than any other by far. This one was, "Your online life, as permanent as a tattoo", by Juan Enriquez.

The issue talked about by Juan Enriquez effects just about every single person in our society. Me, you, our families, friends, the list goes on. The so called, "Cancel Culture", is destroying people's lives. Not just for a few years, but forever. 

Now from a basic standpoint, it sounds Ok to some. Ruin bad people who say and do bad things lives, right? Wrong. This left-wing agenda is destroying millions of Americans and Conservative voices from around the globe. 

Most people think Cancel Culture just gets rid of racists who use the n-word, or historically racist, homophobic, etc companies. Now why it does do that some of the time, the majority is Conservatives more particularly are being "canceled" for their political opinion! The Silent Majority is literally being forced to stay silent because of this new culture. If you say one positive thing about Donald Trump or call yourself a Patriot and or disagree with a usually radical left-wing agenda, you're canceled. 

People are literally digging up things people said from over 10+ years ago and using that to paint them as a horrible person, and later canceling them. This is bad news. The global elite (Big Tech) can take advantage of this, and silence anywhom they want. 

The government should try and think of something to do about this, but honestly there isn't much that can be done other than those being silenced, or lives ruined stand up. The best way to protect yourself from this though, is simple. Be smart of what you post, remember who can see it or follow you, or simply make your account private so only a certain group or number of people can see what you have to say or are doing.

To sum all of this up, there are hundreds of different ways that this is bad for society. There are SO many more examples that could be used! A short list of some could be student athlete's scholarships being taken away, children's parents' lives being ruined, division in the family or neighborhood, and so much more.

We need to cancel, Cancel Culture.

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