Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Where do I get my news? Blog post #1

 My news sources

For the majority of my life, I have always been very interested in politics and what exactly is going on in the world. Obviously, I have to get my news from somewhere to form my opinions; so today I will be listing just that. What and where do I get my information from? What are my sources? Well, here they are:

Fox News

 Fox is a great channel. They have a tendency to be very biased within certain things involving Republicans or conservatives, but they are one of the only mainstream news sources that actually speak from Conservatives point of view. So many news anchors today seem to be liberal filled, and if you say anything other than that then you are off the channel or disrupted. This is the same with Fox but speaking as a Conservative, but I really do enjoy Fox and more specifically Tucker Carlson because they are one of the few who can speak for the majority of Conservatives.


Twitter is my newest favorite source of news. Ever since Elon Musk has taken over, Conservatives all around the world are actually able to speak without being censored or suppressed. It's amazing! Now I don't just like Twitter specifically because of this. I like Twitter so much now because it is a mixture of both Conservatives and Liberals. Republicans and Democrats. Before Musk took over, it was strictly liberal, usually democrats who had the biggest posts. Now it's both! As it should be. My favorite accounts are Elon Musk, Andrew Tate, Tristan Tate, Candace Owens, Lavern Spicer and Lauren Boebert.


Most people think TikTok is just an app full of people dancing and doing silly things. In some cases, it's true, but for a lot of people it is an actual news source to them. It is based on what posts you like and watch and gives you a specific algorithm. TikTok is great because it lets both sides of the political spectrum speak on their opinions and ideologies, which gives TikTok as a whole a slightly independent standpoint. Now I will say TikTok does lean slightly left based on what posts they remove or flag as misinformation, but for the most part it does a great job providing news for both sides, letting either side go viral. 

Joe Phagan

My stepfather Joe is the CEO of his business Pond Country, where he builds koi ponds and services them. It is a multi-million-dollar business, which obviously means he knows a lot in the business world. You can probably guess what side he supports as he is very business fazzy, and if you didn't know already; he is very much a Conservative. Joe is very good at digging deep into actions or events that go on in the world. He spends a lot of his time researching on his laptop. I have zero clue what his sources actually are, but every single time he shows me them or explains to me what happens it makes perfect sense. He loves bashing mainstream news channels and says they are all biased, which I think everyone can agree on.

YouTube is awesome. There is a huge variety of thousands if not millions of creators who give out information. Whether it be news, how to videos, informative videos, you name it: it's there. I use YouTube every single day for news. I watch interviews posted, speeches by government officials, reactions to events by creators, etc. YouTube is amazing for forming your own opinion on certain events going on in the world, and I'd honestly say it is by far my favorite way to get my news. The only flaw is like many big tech companies, they do lean left and suppress the right. They do this pretty frequently, and it seems to be getting worse and worse by the year, but for now I'm sticking with them.


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