Thursday, April 27, 2023

Technology and My Relationship: Final Blog Post

Technology and My Relationship: Final Blog Post


    It is challenging to imagine life without technology given its undeniable impact on our daily lives. As a videogame designer, technology is not only essential to my line of work but also a major source of inspiration. I believe that my connection with technology is positive and that I give it the space it needs in my life. Even though I use technology every day for tasks connected to my job, I try to keep it to a minimum after hours. I think I am more knowledgeable and effective as a result than I otherwise would be.

    We all rely on technology to some degree since it has become a part of our culture. But it's important to recognize that technology can occasionally have unintended consequences. Although I think I use technology effectively, I have seen very dangerous and sad effects on my family members, especially the elderly. Due to their attempts to keep up with the rapid developments in technology, many of them feel left behind. It is important to understand that not everyone uses technology in the same way and that various people can be affected.

My friends & My Profession

    My friends use technology well, with the occasional exception of video game addiction, in my opinion. Whether it is through social media, online video chat like Facetime, or online videogames, I have seen technology play a huge role in creating and withstanding our relationships. Although technology has undoubtedly made it simpler to stay in touch, I am also aware of its potential drawbacks. Both isolation and disconnection can result from it, while it can also bring individuals closer together. It depends how well YOU control and handle it.

    Technology is important to my profession as a videogame designer. I can construct intriguing worlds that people can explore and enjoy because of it. Given that I am always acquiring new skills and technologies to advance my craft, I think that technology is enlightening me and improving my intelligence. I am nevertheless also conscious of the fact that technology can be deceptive and offer inaccurate information. It is essential to exercise judgment when choosing the information we consume and to make sure that our sources are reliable.

Digital Footprint & The Time We Give

    When it comes to the concept of leaving a digital footprint, I take it extremely seriously. I am aware that an employer-to-be will look me up online to find out as much as they can about me. I frequently examine my online presence to make sure it is polished and expert. When I Google myself, my professional image appropriately reflects my interests and accomplishments, especially on my LinkedIn and personal website. I'm conscious that not everyone is as cautious as I am, and it's easy to give the wrong impression online. It is important to realize that what we share online could have long-term implications and could have an impact on both our personal and professional lives.

    Recognizing that technology may be seductive and easily eat up too much of our time is vital. It is simple to get sucked into the cycle of aimlessly scrolling through social media or spending hours upon hours playing video games. I make an attempt to minimize my use of technology outside of work hours, even though I think I give it the right amount of time in my life. I've discovered that doing this has enhanced my general wellbeing and helped me to be more present and involved in my personal life.

    I take breaks from technology altogether in addition to limiting my use of it after work hours. I've discovered that stepping away from technology occasionally is good for both my mental health and general wellbeing. When I do use technology, I am more productive and focused because it enables me to detach and recharge.

The Negatives in Broadcasting, Family, Elderly, & More

    The potential for false information and the dissemination of fake news is yet another sad consequence of technology. It’s happening everyday with our current idiot of a President. Due to the growth of social media, it can be difficult to tell what is true from what is fake and for misleading information to spread quickly. It's critical to exercise caution and double-check the accuracy of any material before disseminating it. Technology is a necessary component of our lives, but as our reliance on it grows, it is crucial that we use it properly and be aware of any potential risks. We must be aware of how technology affects both ourselves and people around us, and we must be prepared to change as it advances.

    For example, I have observed how my relatives have battled with the quick advancements in technology, and I try to assist them whenever I can. I try to be patient and understanding when I'm assisting them, whether it's by showing them how to use a new program or assisting them in troubleshooting any tech issue. They’re so behind, and it’s quite sad to see and experience. When you talk to them about it, they always say something along the lines of, “the world is so different now. It’s completely different. It’s sad, cruel, and evil.”

    Going back to my friends, I think that technology has made it possible for me and them to communicate even when we are separated in person. Technology has made it simpler to keep our relationships strong despite our busy lives, whether it is through online gaming or group chats. I am aware, though, that using technology can be a diversion and reduce the amount of time we spend together in person.

Conclusion On Technology Involved With Me

    Tech is at the core of everything I do in my profession as a video game creator. I depend on it to bring my ideas to life, and I'm always learning and experimenting with new tools to get better at what I do. However, I am also aware that when it comes to how technology affects people's lives, it may be a double-edged sword. It is crucial for me to be aware of the impacts my work has on users and to make sure I am making games that are not only enjoyable but also responsible and courteous.

    I feel that I use technology properly and give it the proper amount of time in my life, and as a result, I have a good relationship with it. To conclude, I think that technology has educated me and improved my intelligence, but I am also aware of the dangers of false information it may spread. I have observed both positive and negative effects of technology on my friends and family, so I try to be aware of how it is impacting them. Finally, I make sure that my internet presence accurately represents my professional background and personal interests. Technology is becoming an increasingly vital part of our lives, so it's critical that we use it properly and are aware of any potential negatives.

- Michael Connelly

1 comment:

Technology and My Relationship: Final Blog Post

Technology and My Relationship: Final Blog Post    Introduction      It is challenging to imagine life without technology given its undeniab...