Friday, March 3, 2023

Agenda Setting: Blog post #11

Agenda Setting: Blog Post #11


Following group 3's presentation on "theories", I decided to do some extra research on my own about the term "agenda setting." This term seems to be used very frequently today, especially within news media, so I figured it would be a perfect term to use.

Agenda setting is the process through which the media, politicians, and other powerful entities influence public opinion by favoring and emphasizing particular subjects and topics over others. Setting agendas essentially involves determining what individuals think about, as opposed to what they think.

The Process

Media outlets and other influential parties decide which issues and subjects to cover first in order to set the agenda. These choices are frequently made based on a range of considerations, such as the topic's perceived newsworthiness, its potential audience impact, and the outlet's political or financial interests.

The media outlet or influencer will decide how to frame the matter once a subject has been chosen. The audience's perception of the issue and their attitudes and opinions can be dramatically impacted by this framing. A media organization might, for instance, present a political subject in a way that is consistent with its own political stances, influencing the viewers to have the same opinions.

The "Good" Impact

Agenda setting can significantly influence public opinion and steer the political conversation in a certain way. The public could start to believe that a certain issue—like climate change—is more significant than others if the media places a lot of emphasis on it. Increased public support for legislation addressing the problem may result from this, which may then have an impact on political decision-making.

Agenda setting can be used to encourage societal change and draw attention to crucial concerns that could otherwise go ignored. Media outlets and other influencers can promote public knowledge and engagement with issues that are crucial to society by spotlighting key issues and subjects.

The "Bad" Impact

Setting an agenda can also be harmful, especially if it is done to advance a specific cause or philosophy. A biased and unbalanced perspective of the issues may result if a media outlet or other influential person utilizes agenda setting to further a specific political or economic agenda. This might result in a lack of diversity in opinions, which would restrict public discourse and encourage the exclusion of different viewpoints.

Known media outlets like Fox News, CNN, or CBS for example, are killing America today with their agenda setting. people will watch one channel and one channel only, and all this is doing is separating us more and more, dividing or ideas, because the agenda we have basically been programmed to believe is being set upon us.


To conclude, agenda planning is a potent tool that has the potential to greatly affect public opinion and sculpt the political discourse. It can be used to encourage good social change, but it can also be used to suppress variety in public discourse and to advance prejudiced viewpoints. To ensure a fair and educated viewpoint on the issues, it is crucial to be aware of the agenda-setting process and critically assess the media and other information sources.

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