Thursday, January 26, 2023

The US Supreme Court, and What I didn't Know. Blog post #2

The US Supreme Court, and What I didn't Know

The US Supreme court has been around a very long time, and for as long as I have been alive there are still some things I don't know about it, and it's history. Today, I will be going over what I've learned from  History Channel's:  SCOTUS History

Why I feel like I know more then most Americans about the Supreme Court today, I do feel I am a little behind on it's history. The first thing I learned in just the first paragraph of History Channel's writing was that the Supreme Court actually originated with six justices instead of nine. This change happened in 1869.

The Supreme Court is arguably the most important part of our American government and it's future. The absolutely biggest and most important takeaway point of our justices we know and mostly love is that their job is to uphold, maintain, and keep the Constitution in stand. In summed terms, " ensuring the American people the promise of equal justice under law."

The most surprising thing I learned about the Supreme court from this reading was that they have been around for so long. 200 years of existing and still functioning today is absolute insanity! It just goes to show how brilliant our founding fathers were, although the beginning of the court was a little rough (racist).

Without our Supreme Court, corruption would take over in a matter of minutes. The constitution would be changed, our freedoms would fade away,. and politicians whether it be Congress or the president would turn into dictators. The job of withholding the constitution we know, love, and appreciate today has to be one of the most difficult jobs on the planet. 

There is a reason they're only voted in once, and are assigned the job for however long the please, and that is due to the amount of trust, We The People have in them.

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