Thursday, January 26, 2023

The US Supreme Court, and What I didn't Know. Blog post #2

The US Supreme Court, and What I didn't Know

The US Supreme court has been around a very long time, and for as long as I have been alive there are still some things I don't know about it, and it's history. Today, I will be going over what I've learned from  History Channel's:  SCOTUS History

Why I feel like I know more then most Americans about the Supreme Court today, I do feel I am a little behind on it's history. The first thing I learned in just the first paragraph of History Channel's writing was that the Supreme Court actually originated with six justices instead of nine. This change happened in 1869.

The Supreme Court is arguably the most important part of our American government and it's future. The absolutely biggest and most important takeaway point of our justices we know and mostly love is that their job is to uphold, maintain, and keep the Constitution in stand. In summed terms, " ensuring the American people the promise of equal justice under law."

The most surprising thing I learned about the Supreme court from this reading was that they have been around for so long. 200 years of existing and still functioning today is absolute insanity! It just goes to show how brilliant our founding fathers were, although the beginning of the court was a little rough (racist).

Without our Supreme Court, corruption would take over in a matter of minutes. The constitution would be changed, our freedoms would fade away,. and politicians whether it be Congress or the president would turn into dictators. The job of withholding the constitution we know, love, and appreciate today has to be one of the most difficult jobs on the planet. 

There is a reason they're only voted in once, and are assigned the job for however long the please, and that is due to the amount of trust, We The People have in them.

Huge Issues in Today's Society. Blog post #8

Huge Issues in Today's Society

In the six Ted Talks given to me to watch, one of them in particular stood out to me more than any other by far. This one was, "Your online life, as permanent as a tattoo", by Juan Enriquez.

The issue talked about by Juan Enriquez effects just about every single person in our society. Me, you, our families, friends, the list goes on. The so called, "Cancel Culture", is destroying people's lives. Not just for a few years, but forever. 

Now from a basic standpoint, it sounds Ok to some. Ruin bad people who say and do bad things lives, right? Wrong. This left-wing agenda is destroying millions of Americans and Conservative voices from around the globe. 

Most people think Cancel Culture just gets rid of racists who use the n-word, or historically racist, homophobic, etc companies. Now why it does do that some of the time, the majority is Conservatives more particularly are being "canceled" for their political opinion! The Silent Majority is literally being forced to stay silent because of this new culture. If you say one positive thing about Donald Trump or call yourself a Patriot and or disagree with a usually radical left-wing agenda, you're canceled. 

People are literally digging up things people said from over 10+ years ago and using that to paint them as a horrible person, and later canceling them. This is bad news. The global elite (Big Tech) can take advantage of this, and silence anywhom they want. 

The government should try and think of something to do about this, but honestly there isn't much that can be done other than those being silenced, or lives ruined stand up. The best way to protect yourself from this though, is simple. Be smart of what you post, remember who can see it or follow you, or simply make your account private so only a certain group or number of people can see what you have to say or are doing.

To sum all of this up, there are hundreds of different ways that this is bad for society. There are SO many more examples that could be used! A short list of some could be student athlete's scholarships being taken away, children's parents' lives being ruined, division in the family or neighborhood, and so much more.

We need to cancel, Cancel Culture.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Where do I get my news? Blog post #1

 My news sources

For the majority of my life, I have always been very interested in politics and what exactly is going on in the world. Obviously, I have to get my news from somewhere to form my opinions; so today I will be listing just that. What and where do I get my information from? What are my sources? Well, here they are:

Fox News

 Fox is a great channel. They have a tendency to be very biased within certain things involving Republicans or conservatives, but they are one of the only mainstream news sources that actually speak from Conservatives point of view. So many news anchors today seem to be liberal filled, and if you say anything other than that then you are off the channel or disrupted. This is the same with Fox but speaking as a Conservative, but I really do enjoy Fox and more specifically Tucker Carlson because they are one of the few who can speak for the majority of Conservatives.


Twitter is my newest favorite source of news. Ever since Elon Musk has taken over, Conservatives all around the world are actually able to speak without being censored or suppressed. It's amazing! Now I don't just like Twitter specifically because of this. I like Twitter so much now because it is a mixture of both Conservatives and Liberals. Republicans and Democrats. Before Musk took over, it was strictly liberal, usually democrats who had the biggest posts. Now it's both! As it should be. My favorite accounts are Elon Musk, Andrew Tate, Tristan Tate, Candace Owens, Lavern Spicer and Lauren Boebert.


Most people think TikTok is just an app full of people dancing and doing silly things. In some cases, it's true, but for a lot of people it is an actual news source to them. It is based on what posts you like and watch and gives you a specific algorithm. TikTok is great because it lets both sides of the political spectrum speak on their opinions and ideologies, which gives TikTok as a whole a slightly independent standpoint. Now I will say TikTok does lean slightly left based on what posts they remove or flag as misinformation, but for the most part it does a great job providing news for both sides, letting either side go viral. 

Joe Phagan

My stepfather Joe is the CEO of his business Pond Country, where he builds koi ponds and services them. It is a multi-million-dollar business, which obviously means he knows a lot in the business world. You can probably guess what side he supports as he is very business fazzy, and if you didn't know already; he is very much a Conservative. Joe is very good at digging deep into actions or events that go on in the world. He spends a lot of his time researching on his laptop. I have zero clue what his sources actually are, but every single time he shows me them or explains to me what happens it makes perfect sense. He loves bashing mainstream news channels and says they are all biased, which I think everyone can agree on.

YouTube is awesome. There is a huge variety of thousands if not millions of creators who give out information. Whether it be news, how to videos, informative videos, you name it: it's there. I use YouTube every single day for news. I watch interviews posted, speeches by government officials, reactions to events by creators, etc. YouTube is amazing for forming your own opinion on certain events going on in the world, and I'd honestly say it is by far my favorite way to get my news. The only flaw is like many big tech companies, they do lean left and suppress the right. They do this pretty frequently, and it seems to be getting worse and worse by the year, but for now I'm sticking with them.


Technology and My Relationship: Final Blog Post

Technology and My Relationship: Final Blog Post    Introduction      It is challenging to imagine life without technology given its undeniab...