Friday, March 3, 2023

Agenda Setting: Blog post #11

Agenda Setting: Blog Post #11


Following group 3's presentation on "theories", I decided to do some extra research on my own about the term "agenda setting." This term seems to be used very frequently today, especially within news media, so I figured it would be a perfect term to use.

Agenda setting is the process through which the media, politicians, and other powerful entities influence public opinion by favoring and emphasizing particular subjects and topics over others. Setting agendas essentially involves determining what individuals think about, as opposed to what they think.

The Process

Media outlets and other influential parties decide which issues and subjects to cover first in order to set the agenda. These choices are frequently made based on a range of considerations, such as the topic's perceived newsworthiness, its potential audience impact, and the outlet's political or financial interests.

The media outlet or influencer will decide how to frame the matter once a subject has been chosen. The audience's perception of the issue and their attitudes and opinions can be dramatically impacted by this framing. A media organization might, for instance, present a political subject in a way that is consistent with its own political stances, influencing the viewers to have the same opinions.

The "Good" Impact

Agenda setting can significantly influence public opinion and steer the political conversation in a certain way. The public could start to believe that a certain issue—like climate change—is more significant than others if the media places a lot of emphasis on it. Increased public support for legislation addressing the problem may result from this, which may then have an impact on political decision-making.

Agenda setting can be used to encourage societal change and draw attention to crucial concerns that could otherwise go ignored. Media outlets and other influencers can promote public knowledge and engagement with issues that are crucial to society by spotlighting key issues and subjects.

The "Bad" Impact

Setting an agenda can also be harmful, especially if it is done to advance a specific cause or philosophy. A biased and unbalanced perspective of the issues may result if a media outlet or other influential person utilizes agenda setting to further a specific political or economic agenda. This might result in a lack of diversity in opinions, which would restrict public discourse and encourage the exclusion of different viewpoints.

Known media outlets like Fox News, CNN, or CBS for example, are killing America today with their agenda setting. people will watch one channel and one channel only, and all this is doing is separating us more and more, dividing or ideas, because the agenda we have basically been programmed to believe is being set upon us.


To conclude, agenda planning is a potent tool that has the potential to greatly affect public opinion and sculpt the political discourse. It can be used to encourage good social change, but it can also be used to suppress variety in public discourse and to advance prejudiced viewpoints. To ensure a fair and educated viewpoint on the issues, it is crucial to be aware of the agenda-setting process and critically assess the media and other information sources.

The Age of AI: Blog post #10

The Age of AI: Blog Post #10


We are now living in the age of artificial intelligence and machine learning, which has both beneficial and harmful consequences. There are a lot of significant lessons to learn, as well as unexpected and terrifying realities.

What can AI do?

Complex AI and machine learning's capacity to help and aid some of the most serious global issues is one of their most advantageous features. AI has the potential to alter a wide range of industries, including healthcare, transportation, and finance, from forecasting natural disasters to detecting diseases. AI can also increase our productivity and efficiency so that we can concentrate on more original and creative work.


These advantages could, however, be countered by negative aspects. Privacy is one of the most important issues. It is getting harder and harder to protect sensitive data from prying eyes as AI gets more sophisticated. Without their permission, businesses can use AI to collect a lot of data about people that can be used for targeted advertising or other objectives. Furthermore, cyberattacks and data breaches can jeopardize private information, resulting in identity theft or other types of fraud. Thankfully though, we are not yet at the point where we'll need The Terminator around. "Not yet"...

National Security

National security is a big additional issue. AI can be employed to create cutting-edge weaponry or launch cyberattacks against vital infrastructure. As a result, there is now a race to develop the most advanced weapons systems possible. We must make sure that AI technology is used responsibly and in the interests of global security as it develops.

Online Security

In the age of AI, online security and identity theft are now important worries. We are more susceptible to cyberattacks and other types of online crime as more and more of our lives shift online. AI can be used by hackers to create more complex assaults, making it more challenging to defend against these dangers. We must thus take action to safeguard our online identities and defend ourselves against online dangers.


In conclusion, there are both advantages and disadvantages to the age of AI. While AI has the ability to transform many industries and assist in finding solutions to some of the most important global issues, we must also be conscious of its possible hazards and negative effects. It is crucial to use AI properly and to make sure that it is used for the benefit of both personal privacy and global security. To ensure a safe and secure future as AI technology develops further, we must be on guard and adapt to the shifting technological landscape.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

The Three Common Types of BAD Information: Blog post #9

The Three Common Types of BAD Information: Blog post #9


It's a far too common issue to use the terms "misinformation," "disinformation," and "malinformation" interchangeably. Nethertheless, they do have a variety of implications and definitions that are important to know and understand. In this blog post, we'll examine each of these concepts in detail and help you understand the differences, helping you live in society like a lion, rather than sheep.


Misinformation is information that is unintentionally false. As a result of information being passed around without being fact-checked or confirmed, it commonly occurs. False information can spread through a variety of ways, including social media, people with big mouths, and traditional media. Misinformation can have negative consequences even though it may not always be done purposefully. For instance, people may choose poorly for their health or even harm themselves as a result of erroneous information about a health risk. People can be… stu– silly.


Disinformation is deliberately false information spread with the objective of deceiving or influencing others. Disinformation may be spread for a number of reasons, including harm or benefit in terms of money or power. President Joe Biden loves to use this term very frequently, with the example given above. President Biden’s example is seriously deceiving, as he clearly left out the part that Republicans want to get rid of the income tax. Anyhow, Contrary to misinformation, disinformation is intentionally spread to deceive people. Disinformation can have detrimental effects, including a decline in public trust in institutions and an increase in social and political unrest. For instance, efforts to spread false information in order to sabotage democratic institutions and elections can seriously harm a society's capacity to preserve stability. 


Lastly, true information that is spread with the intention of hurting or damaging a person, group, or institution is referred to as malinformation. This kind of material is frequently disseminated out of context or with bad intentions. When personal information is released online without the person's knowledge or agreement, it can be harmful to that person's reputation or safety. This practice is known as malinformation. Social media's extensive accessibility and ease of information sharing have made it simpler for bad actors to disseminate false information. Common examples could be harassment, biased news sources, and or hate speech. 

A Sum Up of the Negatives

Misinformation, Disinformation, and Malinformation can have a big impact on society. They can injure people and communities, undermine democratic processes, and destroy public trust in institutions. These ideas can have varying effects on various societal groups. For instance, marginalized groups may be more vulnerable to disinformation efforts that seek to foment strife and rage. Older generations may potentially be more affected by deception since they may be less accustomed to digital media and consequently more susceptible to misinformation and disinformation.

Misinformation, disinformation, and malicious information can all have an effect on an individual. Making educated decisions might be tough as a result of confusion and uncertainty. It may also contribute to the dissemination of negative beliefs and practices that hurt both people and communities. Thus, it is imperative to use caution and vigilance when reading, viewing, and sharing information online.


The notions of misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation are important challenges in today's society, to sum up. These may have far-reaching effects, such as deteriorating democratic institutions like the US government, harming voters, people, communities, and undermining confidence. When consuming and disseminating information online, it is our duty as information consumers to exercise caution and vigilance. We can lessen the effects of these ideas and contribute to the development of a safer and more informed society by being informed and critical information consumers.

The Diffusion Theory and YouTube: Blog post #8

The Diffusion Theory and YouTube: Blog Post#8

YouTube's Beginnings 

Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim, three former PayPal workers, launched the video-sharing website YouTube in 2005. YouTube began as a website where novice video producers could upload and share their works. With over 2 billion monthly active users now, YouTube has established itself as a key force in the entertainment sector. In this paper, we will examine the benefits and drawbacks of the diffusion of YouTube using the framework of the diffusion theory. A fun fact: YouTube was initially meant to be a dating site!

The Diffusion Theory

A sociological theory called Diffusion Theory describes how innovations spread throughout a community. According to the notion, there are five groups that make up the acceptance of innovations: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards. The first group to accept a new technology is an innovator, then come early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards. The theory also explains how a variety of characteristics, like an innovation's relative advantage, suitability for existing requirements and values, complexity, trialability, and observability, affect how quickly it is adopted.

YouTube as an innovation

With regard to YouTube, the innovation offered a number of benefits that attracted early adopters. It first gave users a place to upload and share videos online. Compared to traditional media, like television, which needed expensive production and distribution costs, this was a big benefit. Second, YouTube complied with the demands and existing values of its viewers. People could express themselves, share their experiences, and connect with others who had similar interests thanks to it. Third, YouTube needed a small time and resource commitment and was comparatively simple to use. Simply capture a video on your camera or phone, then publish it to the platform. Fourth, it was easy to watch YouTube. With a big user base that was always looking for fresh material, videos could be quickly shared with friends and family.

Benefits and Negatives

These benefits caused early adopters and early majority users to quickly adopt YouTube. Many users were drawn to the site because it offered them the chance to share their own content with a large audience and perhaps even earn money from their movies. Because of the success of the platform, established media businesses were drawn to it as a method to increase their digital footprint and connect with younger viewers.

Unfortunately, not all users embraced YouTube right away. For a number of reasons, laggards and late adopters took longer to adopt the platform. They might have initially had doubts about the platform's capacity to produce high-quality content. Second, they might have resisted change and favored conventional media. Finally, they might not have had the resources or technological know-how to produce and upload their movies to the platform.

The Biggest Downsides of YouTube

YouTube has drawbacks in addition to its many advantages. The platform's propensity to propagate false information and dangerous content is one of the key issues. Extremist content and conspiracy theories are promoted by YouTube's algorithm, which has been criticized for having negative real-world effects. However, the sheer amount of content available on the platform has been said to have overloaded some users, which can result in information overload and burnout.

Me and YouTube

In terms of my own usage of YouTube, I've discovered it to be an excellent source of information and entertainment. The platform has helped me view instructional videos, pick up new skills, and keep up with current affairs. I have been suspicious of the platform's potential drawbacks, such as the dissemination of false information and the effect on mental health, though. Everything i have learned for what I want to do one day, being game design, I have learned entirely from YouTube.


In conclusion, the Diffusion Theory may be used to explain how YouTube has spread. Early adopters and the early majority users found the platform to be appealing due to its relative advantage, compliance with current values and demands, and observability. Nonetheless, it is impossible to ignore the platform's drawbacks, such as the possibility for spreading false information and the effect on mental health.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Messenger Pigeon, Wow! Blog post: #7

Messenger Pigeon, Wow! Blog post: #7


In class I learned a lot about what a messenger pigeon was. At first glance, I actually had no idea this was actually at one point in time a real thing. I have always seen it in movies, especially ones during the medieval ages like Shrek for example, and am fascinated to learn that it really was a thing once upon a time.

The presentation

From what I got from the presentation, messenger pigeons were used all the way until 1150. They were used for communicating, long before cell phones. All they would do is literally train a pigeon to carry a message, usually a paper or bottle holding a paper, and it would fly to it's destination. Even with their small size, messenger pigeons can transport packages weighing up to 2.5 ounces. They traveled all the way up to 500 miles in a single flight and can fly at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour. A pigeon does this!

What was it really used for?

For the most part, it seems that messenger pigeons were not usually used in the most peaceful ways. I learned that they were used to communicate to other counties or providences very frequently, and the most recent one being WW1. Often times it was leaders communicating with one another, and it fascinates me still that they somehow trained a pigeon to do this.

What I found on my own research

Ancient civilizations including the Persians, Egyptians, and Romans all used messenger pigeons. Ancient civilizations employed these birds to transmit messages over great distances because they valued them. Homing pigeons were employed very frequently as said before in the medieval era to carry messages from castles to battlegrounds, and they even had a significant impact on how some fights turned out.

Messenger Pigeons today

With the development of new technology, including the telegraph, phones, and most importantly the internet, the use of messenger pigeons decreased. I did not know this either until further research, but they are actually still utilized in some situations today, such as those where there is little to no access to the internet.


To conclude, messenger pigeons have been an important part of human history, especially in military communication. These birds continue to serve as a symbol of our ancestors' inventions and resourcefulness even with their decreased use with newer, better, faster technology

Technology and My Relationship: Final Blog Post

Technology and My Relationship: Final Blog Post    Introduction      It is challenging to imagine life without technology given its undeniab...