Tuesday, February 21, 2023

War Never Changes: Blog post #6

War Never Changes

The year is 2023. War is still happening all across the world, and the biggest in this case is Ukraine vs Russia. Altoist, that's what we are told. The reality of it is it's America and Ukraine vs Russia. Or NATO. History is repeating itself yet again, as the title states, "War never changes." What does this mean exactly? Well I'll tell you.

Money. Power. Corruption. The amazing George Washington once said by quote, “It is our policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world.” What is happening ight now? The US is allied with numerous numbers of countries and the leader of NATO. We are fuc*ed. 

How did this happen? Well let's go back to the start of that second paragraph. Money which leads to more power, and more power which leads to more corruption. Our politicians are getting more money, more power, and becoming more corrupt. This is why so many loved the idea of a president like Donald Trump. He was someone who didn't take the bullshit from other countries, because he didn't have any dealings with them like Hunter Biden. 

When you have this corruption in the government who hides things, takes away our rights, and is always trying to get or step into a war, they suppress the anti-war voices. Just yesterday there was a protest against Biden continually giving Ukraine more support from Antiwar citizens. Zero news coverage. You wonder why that is? Because the mainstream news is apart of it all. They only care about views, loyalty viewers, and money. Similar to the pricks in Washington.

History repeating itself.

The sites like ANTIWAR.com and The American Conservative are never talked about because if they are publicized, the government can't do anything about citizens revolting, and when Americans revolt, they are voted out of their seats. NO seat, means no power, which means no more money. These sites are fantastic, and I frequently use The American Conservative, but of course only so many know about it unfortunately, but I am glad that we are taught about it in class o that others can know what's really going on. These sites are a treasure. A literal "hidden" treasure.

Call me a conspiracy theory if you want, but it is simply just history continually repeating itself. 

War never changes.






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