Tuesday, February 21, 2023

War Never Changes: Blog post #6

War Never Changes

The year is 2023. War is still happening all across the world, and the biggest in this case is Ukraine vs Russia. Altoist, that's what we are told. The reality of it is it's America and Ukraine vs Russia. Or NATO. History is repeating itself yet again, as the title states, "War never changes." What does this mean exactly? Well I'll tell you.

Money. Power. Corruption. The amazing George Washington once said by quote, “It is our policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world.” What is happening ight now? The US is allied with numerous numbers of countries and the leader of NATO. We are fuc*ed. 

How did this happen? Well let's go back to the start of that second paragraph. Money which leads to more power, and more power which leads to more corruption. Our politicians are getting more money, more power, and becoming more corrupt. This is why so many loved the idea of a president like Donald Trump. He was someone who didn't take the bullshit from other countries, because he didn't have any dealings with them like Hunter Biden. 

When you have this corruption in the government who hides things, takes away our rights, and is always trying to get or step into a war, they suppress the anti-war voices. Just yesterday there was a protest against Biden continually giving Ukraine more support from Antiwar citizens. Zero news coverage. You wonder why that is? Because the mainstream news is apart of it all. They only care about views, loyalty viewers, and money. Similar to the pricks in Washington.

History repeating itself.

The sites like ANTIWAR.com and The American Conservative are never talked about because if they are publicized, the government can't do anything about citizens revolting, and when Americans revolt, they are voted out of their seats. NO seat, means no power, which means no more money. These sites are fantastic, and I frequently use The American Conservative, but of course only so many know about it unfortunately, but I am glad that we are taught about it in class o that others can know what's really going on. These sites are a treasure. A literal "hidden" treasure.

Call me a conspiracy theory if you want, but it is simply just history continually repeating itself. 

War never changes.






Monday, February 20, 2023

YouTube EOTO: Blog post #5

YouTube EOTO: Blog Post #5

YouTube, and it's History

Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim, three former PayPal workers, launched the video-sharing website YouTube in February 2005. Their own struggles with online video sharing and locating were the inspiration for the website. At the time, there was no simple way to share video content with others, and the capabilities of the already-existing video-sharing websites were constrained. The platform's creators saw an opportunity to give users a simpler way to submit and share movies with a larger audience.

Fun Fact!

Initially, YouTube was intended to be a dating site called "Tune In Hook Up." The plan did not, however, go as planned, thus the platform's creators changed their focus to video sharing. They wanted to build a platform that would democratize access to video content so that anyone with an internet connection could use it.

How Has It Changed The World?

The globe has been greatly impacted by YouTube. The platform has completely changed how we watch and distribute video content. It has given millions of people a voice who might not have otherwise been able to express their ideas and abilities. Also, YouTube has given individuals and companies an accessible platform to reach a worldwide audience and monetize their material.

Access to video content was a problem that YouTube helped to solve. Before YouTube, the main sources of video material were television, movies, and DVDs. Anyone may now make and share video content thanks to YouTube's capacity for anyone to submit and share their own videos. Also, YouTube has made it simpler for users to locate and access video content that would have otherwise been challenging to get.

The Changed Sectors from YouTube

The entertainment sector has been one of YouTube's most notable effects. Independent musicians, comedians, and filmmakers now have a new platform to share their work and connect with a larger audience. A new generation of celebrities has also emerged on YouTube. My number one favorite has got to be "PewDiePie", who records varieties of genres for YouTube, usually comedic though. World education has been significantly impacted by YouTube as well. People may now learn about a variety of topics through online tutorials and lectures thanks to the platform. The availability of free lectures and courses on YouTube from numerous universities and educational institutions has increased access to and affordability of education for people all over the world. The way we communicate with one another has altered as a result of YouTube. It has made it simpler for people to express their ideas and thoughts, and it has given politics and protests a new forum. Political movements have benefited significantly from the platform.

The Negative Impacts of YouTube

The ease with which information can be shared on YouTube has also led to the spread of misinformation and propaganda, which can have negative impacts. The biggest of the negative impacts is YouTube's effect on mental health. The website has drawn criticism for promoting inappropriate content like hate speech, conspiracies, and fake information. The website has also been accused of promoting misleading information, which can be harmful to people's mental health and general wellbeing.

A Conclusion

In conclusion, YouTube has had a big impact on the world, changing how we consume and distribute video content and bringing a new form of communication, entertainment, and education. The platform has had a lot of positive results, but it has also had a lot of negative ones, especially in terms of the spread of harmful content. Even now, YouTube is a large and potent platform, and in the years to come, its impact on the world is anticipated to grow even more. I use it everyday, and it has helped me with a countless number of things.





Friday, February 3, 2023

The First Amendment, and it's Upmost Importance: Blog post #3

The First Amendment, and it's Upmost Importance: Blog post #3

An Overview

The freedoms of speech, religion, the press, assembly, and petition are the pillars of what is arguably our most important: the First Amendment. It is a cornerstone of American society and a representation of the country's history of fight to individual freedom and a successful democratic government. The First Amendment is more crucial than ever in a world where authoritarianism, censorship, and religious discrimination still exist because it acts as a safeguard against tyranny and makes sure that the voices of the people are heard.

Freedom of speech is the cornerstone of the First Amendment. It guarantees the right of every American to express their opinions, thoughts, and beliefs without fear of retaliation or censorship. This includes speech that may be unpopular, controversial, or even offensive. The First Amendment protects this freedom, even when it may be uncomfortable, because free speech is essential to a democratic society. It allows people to express their opinions freely, and it is only through open and honest discourse that a society can truly understand itself and work to improve.

Religious Freedom

The First Amendment's protection of religious freedom is another essential aspect. This right guarantees that individuals of all faiths are free to practice their religion without concern about prejudice, retaliation, or governmental interference. Minority religions have benefited greatly from this privilege because it has allowed them to openly express their views and protect their cultural heritage in a nation where one religion has historically held a disproportionate amount of power. The First Amendment offers protection from governmental meddling in religious matters, enabling people and communities to practice, express, and live out their faith in ways that are important to them.

Freedom of Assembly

Another crucial element of the First Amendment is the right to assemble, which gives people the freedom to do so peacefully in order to protest, demonstrate, and file complaints with their government. From the Women's Suffrage Movement through the Civil Rights Movement, this right has been used innumerable times in American history and has been essential to bringing about change and furthering social justice. The First Amendment guarantees that people can participate in politics and express their outrage at injustice and inequity.

Freedom of voting

The right to petition which is also protected by the First Amendment, giving people a chance to voice their concerns to the government and try to alter things, by far one of the most important. Through this right, citizens have a vital avenue through which to participate in the democratic process. Through this avenue, residents can make their opinions known and fight to effect real change. The First Amendment gives people a significant tool to influence their world and make sure that their opinions are heard, whether by letter-writing, signing petitions, or taking part in lawful protests.

A Conclusion

In conclusion, the First Amendment is more crucial than ever since it protects individuals from tyranny, repression, and persecution while also guaranteeing that their opinions be heard. It is a pillar of American democracy, ensuring freedom of assembly, petition, press, and expression. It represents the country's dedication to individual liberty and continues to be a vital line of defense against attempts to stifle dissenting voices and sway public opinion. Americans take pride in the First Amendment, and it is our responsibility to defend and uphold these essential liberties for upcoming generations.

Technology and My Relationship: Final Blog Post

Technology and My Relationship: Final Blog Post    Introduction      It is challenging to imagine life without technology given its undeniab...